
Bane & French Inhale (TRICK)

French inhale is another impressive vape trick with a fancy name. Basically, what happens during a French inhale is that the vapor flows up from the mouth when you inhale it through your nostrils.

Bane is a reasonably advanced vape trick. It starts with the Batman series- The Dark Night Rises referring to the masks worn by Bane, the arch-villain hence the name.


To do a French inhale, let the vapor settle in your mouth after a drag. Next, gently open your mouth, push your lower jaw out and allow the vapor to exit naturally. The little twist to this trick is that you have to continually inhale through your nostrils. To Bane, you just need to put your teeth in the way of vapor so that it comes out in thin pipes shape making you look like Bane (DC villain). Here’s the video.


This video will teach u to do these tricks.


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